Flash Sale! Your brain needs this.

Happy Thursday!

Creating and growing an online business can be, and usually is, mind boggling.

Add to that that some of us have brains that are operating just about 24/7 at MAX capacity.

When I was at the beach last week my friend asked me...

"Do you ever wonder what it would be like if you didn't feel the need to talk all the time?"

That sounds kinda like she was telling me to "shut up" but she wasn't. We were having a really great conversation about talkers (me) and non-talkers (her) and what drives us.

I said this in reply:

"No way. If I stopped talking my brain would explode! There are so many thoughts running around at any one time I HAVE TO talk to get them out. There would be a major backup if I didn't talk"


This is just a really good demonstration, though, of why I LOVE mindmaps.

There is no one in my life who wants me to spew info, thoughts, brilliant ideas, product details, new business plans and more at them all day long.

Nor to I want to subject anyone to that.

But as moms - we have thoughts. As business owners - we have thoughts. As home keepers - we have thoughts.

Where do they go?

Often a piece of paper. Or maybe notes in your phone. A google doc? A handy project management tool?

Or likely ALL kinds of places.

And that becomes a big problem.

I used to do this. Stuff and thoughts and ideas EVERYWHERE.

But now I Mindmap Everything!

And, of course, I've made an awesome course about how you can do it, too.

This course is on sale for only $50 until Sunday. It's normally $100 but I've put it on Flash Sale for you.

I want you to clear your brain! We don't want any exploding brains around here.

Here's what you get in the training:

  • Part One: Using Mindmap Everything to Change Everything - This is the section that explains how much you can do with mindmaps and how it can literally make your life easier. The uses are VAST and VARIED and awesome!
  • Part Two: Make Your Mind Maps That Enhance Life & Business - You'll learn how to make your mindmaps and customize them. Also how to organize them so you can find them again!
  • Part Three: More Mind Mapping Strategies to Take it to the Next Level - As it says more ideas so that this class pays for itself in results. We can not underestimate how important well-organized thoughts are.

Another friend once told me that her thinking is too "linear" to use mindmaps. She thinks in steps, not in branches like you'll see on a mindmap.

But here's the thing about mindmaps - they can be linear AND non-linear. They can cover minute details AND big picture. They're the best of both!

Here's a simple mindmap:

If you want to go linear with that, you can. Or if you want to let your ideas fly, you can do that, too.

Mindmaps can be used for:

  • Business Organization
  • Household Management
  • Life Management
  • Meal Planning
  • Events Organizing
  • Gifts Strategizing
  • Product Outlines
  • Launch Planning
  • Vacation Planning
  • and on and on and on!

A fun mindmap I have is called "Things I Want" and I often throw in links and sometimes even a photo of the things I want for myself, when I feel like buying something new:

I teach you how to do this all and give you lots of inspiration to do all the good things with mind maps in Mindmap Everything!

Here's a look inside the course:

Once you register you'll get immediate access to this training and you'll scroll down the left side to work through the video modules or click the "continue" button. The videos are bite sized, you get continued access and you can come back to pick up where you left off at any time.

Mind maps are a staple in my business. I've been using them for over 15 years to help me sort through my thoughts and mine for gold in my own damn brain!

We know that a cluttered mind isn't helpful. I think you're going to LOVE mind maps for everything!

It's only $50 until Sunday. You can sign up here:

Oh and remember that friend who said mind maps were too linear for her?

A little while later she emailed that she had created a spectacular mindmap for a huge project she was working on - and I couldn't help but say "I told ya!" LOL

Talk soon,

Angela Wills

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