Closing Coaching.

The hard deadline for my coaching is Oct. 14th but I would rather get you onboarded this week. So this is my last email about the coaching spot.

I'm thinking I'll accept two new coaching clients max as I need to onboard you before we leave for vacation, where I'll be mostly offline (but still checking on clients when I can).

Here is the coaching info and interest page.

Fill that in if you are even just interested and let's talk. I will not hound you to sign up. I definitely will not try to use your words and dreams to manipulate you into thinking you need me.

You don't NEED me. Not in a way that you'll never be successful without me.

Your grit, your determination, your drive will get you there. Keep going. Here's more on that in my instagram post today.

What a coach does, what I do, is help you get there faster, or in ways you might not have thought of. But it's all YOU. You have to be the secret ingredient to your own success.

I hire coaches to help me in these kinds of situations:

  • When I'm stuck and need new ideas.
  • When there's something I haven't done but they have.
  • When I want and/or need emotional support.
  • When I want someone who truly "gets it" to talk with.

This is how coaching has helped me and I've been hiring coaches (mainly one because I love her) since 2008!

So here's a bit of a list of why you might want to coach with me:

  • I'm patient. This might be the number one thing my clients say about me. They get frustrated with themselves and sometimes we need to hear something over and over and over again. I can do that, and get creative about it.
  • I've earned over $1.2 Million Dollars selling via email, mostly courses and memberships. You can see my 22 year income report here. I do what I'd call a "Calm Hustle". I'm consistent, persistent, smart, intuitive and strategic. I put my life first, though, and I'm good at seeing HOW to do that.
  • I care about your success. I know this is cliche because people who don't care will say this, too. But I want you to get BIG ROI on your coaching investment. My goal for you would be a minimum of $30k, if you're new or an increase of 30% in income if you're not, for 2025. Focus on the right things and you could do that, or triple it. That means my coaching fee is very insignificant compared to possible returns.
  • I'm GREAT at communication. I will send you emails, videos, we will connect. YOU have to bring that to the table, too. The clients who do best in my coaching are the ones who keep the lines of communication open.

Focus in my coaching is on taking action.

We will be about establishing a foundation of offers, building your community and marketing your offers. This is what makes a successful business.

If you're not down for that then my coaching won't be for you. If you're not ready to do the work (I can not do it for you), this coaching won't be for you.

If you read this email and it all sounds like a big YES to you then I would be thrilled to hear from you! Let me know. There's a form on the coaching page you can fill in and I'll email you to follow-up, or hit reply with any pre-questions :)

Talk soon,

Angela Wills

Miss some of my emails? Check the email archives here.
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My courses:

You received this email because you signed up on our website or made a purchase from or You can assume links to other products or services and offers are affiliate links which mean if you click a link I'll earn a commission.

If you need help I did email you yesterday about a 50% off sale JUST for you guys. This is now not only on my courses (below). But also on any of my classes on this page or even on the full email library < shop if you wanna!

The coupon is NEXT50OFF and it expires on Friday, October 4th at midnight (so after 11:59pm).

Here are the products you can use it on (the names pretty much explain the topics):

Make Websites from Scratch
Email for a Living
Lifestyle Affiliate Marketing
Course Freedom Formula
Coaching Without Calls
ThriveCart Kickstart

You can also use the coupon code (NEXT50OFF) on as many courses as you like. This code expires on Friday at midnight.

I don't normally put my courses on sale more than twice a year, usually. So this is your chance to get what you want at a big discount!

If you have any questions at all please let me know. This is JUST for Lifestyle Freedom Business customers so please don't share the code.

Talk soon,

Angela Wills

Miss some of my emails? Check the email archives here.
Need to login to customer area? Customer login here.

My courses:

You received this email because you signed up on our website or made a purchase from or You can assume links to other products or services and offers are affiliate links which mean if you click a link I'll earn a commission.

Hi! I'm Angela Wills of Living Lifestyle Freedom!

Below are my past emails. I love to keep connected with my subscribers through regular email marketing - it's my ONLY major marketing method that helps me create lifestyle freedom. I send valuable emails to help you whether you buy from me or not! You can subscribe below if you are not yet on my list!

Read more from Hi! I'm Angela Wills of Living Lifestyle Freedom!

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Reader a few months ago I was going through my numbers for my business and I realized that my course sales made up 40% of all my income. Here's how it panned out: Courses - 40% Membership - 25% Classes - 4% Bundles - 3% Coaching - 28% Looking at your numbers like this makes it easy to see what's working and what's not. Obviously classes and bundles are not getting my attention lately, because at 7% of my income they're not worth my time. Then my membership and coaching are holding their own....