Correction (TODAY it's today) re: Build your list webinar - today :)

Oops I forgot to correct the email that I copied from yesterday. The subject said today but the body says tomorrow. It's TODAY, Friday, June 14th at 1pm ET. Thank you to those who caught it!

Here's the full email:

Happy Friday!

Thank you so much to anyone who's bought BC Stack through my link so far! I made it a goal last week to get ON the leaderboard of this big event with my relatively small list compared to others and lookey here!

I'm not ON the list, YET, but I'm banging on the door as Dan says (well he said knocking haha). And I'm proud of that and to be amoung these names of top marketers:

One of my bonuses for buying BC Stack is a daily behind the scenes video in a private pop-up Facebook group on exactly what I'm doing to get sales in this affiliate competition - which is the HIGHEST paying competition I've ever seen at top prize being $5000 and all top five prizes being $1000 or more.

So ... about today's webinar:

I am asked ALL THE TIME about how to build an email list.

It's sometimes a tricky question to answer and sometimes not.

For example if you want to collaborate with other people and give away a digitial product to build your list the easy answer there is bundles! There are free and paid bundles you can join.

BC Stack is one of them. << That's the link to where 84 people are collaborating to give away 84 digital products to help you build your business. YOU could be one of them next year.

Meet me live today as I talk about building your list with bundles. Below are my talking points (no presentation - just me and you and a good ol' chat). Also I'm happy to answer your OTHER list building questions, too. I have about one hour today as I'm going to pick up Ella afterwards.

During this free training I'll be telling you about:

  • How to pick a good bundle to join.
  • How to make the MOST of the bundle to convert subscribers to customers.
  • OTHER unseen bundle participation benefits.
  • What I added to the bundle, why I'm promoting it and what I'm doing to promote it. I'll tell you about my awesome, crazy bonuses, too, in case you decide to grab this bundle!

Here's the webinar link for 1pm ET today, Friday June 14th: Zoom Room Link

In case you can't make it live I do want to remind you that the BC Stack sale ends Sunday and this weekend is Father's Day (so you might get busy and forget).

When you buy BC Stack by clicking here you get:

  • my product, Core Message Marketing
  • a behind the scenes Facebook group on how I am promoting the sale as an affiliate
  • a custom suggestion from me on what offers to take from BC Stack for YOU
  • my Lifestyle Freedom Business course ($190 Value) AND
  • my Build Your List with Bundle Sales Class ($45 Value).
  • AND access to 83 OTHER trainings (I recommend you pick no more than 10 or so and prioritize the learning based on YOUR business needs)

Hope you can make the webinar but if not no worries, I'll send you out the recording link later today!


Talk soon,

Angela Wills

psst! Time for a Vacation? As you may know I'm also a Disney specializing Travel Agent! If you book with me in September I have a HUGE bonus of $1000 in credits for my courses and a $50 Disney Card (to use on a cruise or at the parks). I book Disney Orlando and Disney Cruises. So fun! Details here.

Miss some of my emails? Check the email archives here.
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You received this email because you signed up on our website or made a purchase from or You can assume links to other products or services and offers are affiliate links which mean if you click a link I'll earn a commission.

Hi! I'm Angela Wills of Living Lifestyle Freedom!

Below are my past emails. I love to keep connected with my subscribers through regular email marketing - it's my ONLY major marketing method that helps me create lifestyle freedom. I send valuable emails to help you whether you buy from me or not! You can subscribe below if you are not yet on my list!

Read more from Hi! I'm Angela Wills of Living Lifestyle Freedom!

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